NUFU Project: Education, Research and Training for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Himalayan Watersheds
Duration: 5 years (2007 – 2012)
Project Goal: Develop regional network of universities/ institutions in the Himalayan Region; implement integrated teaching and research program for management of natural resources as a basis for sustainable development of watersheds
Major Activities: Establishing a network among 4 mountain universities in the Himalayan region for joint course programs and research; MSc curriculum development, teaching, and capacity building; Continuing existing PhD research & initiate new PhD research (involving candidates from partner institutions); Integration of teaching and research
Funded by: NORAD
Budget: NOK 5,324,000
Collaborators: 5 Universities (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway; TU, Institute of Forestry; Kathmandu University, Nepal; Karakorum Intl. University, Pakistan, Kabul University, Afghanistan)
Project Coordinator: Prof. Mohan K. Balla ([email protected])