Enhancing livelihoods and food security from agro-forestry and community forestry in Nepal (ACTION RESEARCH)
Duration: 5 years (2013-2017)
Project Goal: Enhance livelihoods and food security from improved implementation of agroforestry and community forestry systems in the Middle Hills of Nepal
Major Activities: Action research on different issues (policy, institution, market, and model) related to AF, CF & UUL
Funded by: ACIAR, Australian Government
Budget: $ 2.5 million
Collaborators: 7 Nepali (IOF, IUCN, SN, FA, NAF, CFD, FECOFUN) + 3 International partners (UoA, UoNSW & ICRAF) where IOF is leading GIS activities.
Project Coordinator: Mr. Binod P. Heyojoo ([email protected])