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With its auspicious goal to produce competent and efficient human resource that can be instrumental in conservation and management of biodiversity, environment and natural resources and  development of rural communities, the IOF-PC, with the help of its enthusiastic teaching faculty and spirited staff, has always endeavored to ameliorate its academic environment and administer well designed educational programs that can address the current needs of the country  and the globe in forestry and allied fields. It is committed to satisfying student's quest for knowledge and pragmatic skills that will make all the difference in their professional career. The IOF-PC is currently running the following academic programs:

  1. Master of Science in Forestry
  2. Master of Science in Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (NRMRD)
  3. Master of Science in Watershed Management (WM)
  4. Master of Science in Community Forestry (CF)
  5. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Forestry

Beside regular academic programs, it also conducts short-term national and international training and workshops in Forestry and allied subjects.

“GPS & GIS Training on Scientific Forest Management (SFM) – AACD-IOF

Alumni Association for Conservation and Development (AACD) is a non-profit, nongovernmental national level organization established in 2009 with the initiation of a group of forestry graduates interested on conservation and development. AACD is legally registered in district administration office of Kathmandu and Social Welfare Council (SWC), Kathmandu, Nepal. AACD-IOF Coordination Committee is a coordinating wing of central AACD established in 2010 realizing the inability of physical presence of Alumni to implement any activities within IOF due to time and budget constraint.

AACD-IOF Coordination Committee has successfully organized “GPS & GIS Training on SFM-2076” from 21st-25th Shrawan to the students of B.Sc.

Aim and Objectives of the training

  • To enhance the capacity in GPS and GIS technology
  • To enrich student’s knowledge regarding application of GPS & GIS in the forestry and the allied field

Session Plan:

Day 1:

  • Registration and Opening
  • Introduction to GPS & GIS, its opportunities and application in Nepal
  • GPS demo for data capturing (GPS setup and position format)
  • Exercise for GPS settings and familiarization with GPS functions
  • Data Capturing using GPS

Day 2:

  • ArcGIS 10.5 installation in personal computer/laptop
  • Transfer GPS data directly from GPS to ArcMap
  • Adding excel sheet manually to ArcMap 10
  • Demo on creating and editing shape files – Point, Line, Polygons
  • Exercise for delineation of boundary (joining the points) and editing of the polygon shapefiles

Day 3:

  • Map Preparation and Block division
  • familiarization about Google Earth (Data transfer to ArcMap)
  • Sample plot layout from ArcMap
  • Stratified systematic sampling design (fishnet design)
  • Stratified random sampling design (random points)

Day 4:

  • Exercises on sample plot layout and data management
  • Concept of attribute database
  • Exercise on link spatial and attribute data
  • Concept of Design/Cartography, Symbology and map elements
  • Working with symbology and map layout

Day 5:

  • Group Work
  • Group Work Presentation

Closing Session

  • Evaluation of training and feedback
  • Speech from Trainer
  • Vote of thanks from participants
  • Closing remarks from chief guest


On the last day, the participants were divided into 6 groups and given the group works which was evaluated by Vice-Dean, Mr. Mahendra Thapa, For-Campus Chief Mr. Bharat Mahato & Trainer Mr. Navraj Shahi. Group A was awarded with Special Prize for Best Presenting Group. Miss Aarati Khatri, Miss. Alisha Sharma, Mr. Milan Baral, & Mr. Ganesh Aidii gave their feedback and suggestions about the training. The closing ceremony and certificate distribution was conducted in the presence of IOF, Vice-Dean Mr. Mahendra Singh Thapa, as a Special guest and For-Campus Chief Mr. Bharat Mahato as a Chief Guest.

Mr. Navraj Shahi was the Chief trainer who is also a Master undergraduate in IOF, Pokhara Campus. Similarly, we had Mr. Parbin Pandit as our trainer. The Chairperson of the program was Mr. Vidyaman Thapa, Coordinator of AACD-IOF.

The executive committee of AACD- IOF Coordination Committee:

  • Vidyaman Thapa (Coordinator)
  • Aashish Kumar Joshi (Vice-Coordinator)
  • Bijaya Kafle (Secretary)
  • Bishwabandhu Acharya (Vice-Secretary)
  • Anusha Shrestha (Treasurer)

Executive members:

  • Subhash Sharma
  • Roshan Chaudhary
  • Samana Regmi
  • Asmita Bhattachan
  • Ananta Rai
  • Suraj Sharma
  • Pratikshya Aryal
  • Urusha Lamsal

Some Photo plates of Training 

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