Yajna Prasad Timilsina
Name : Yajna Prasad Timilsina
Position : Professor
Subject: Statistics, Experimental design. Research Methodology
Department: Basic Science and Humanities/Social Forestry and Forest Management
Education: MSc in Statistics (1991), Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Interest Area: Natural resource modelling and sampling, Data management, Statistical analysis and interpretation
Research and Publications
International Articles
- B. Khadka, A.L. Hammet,A. Singh,Y.P. Timilsina,M.K.Balla ,Ecological Parameters and Diversity Indices of Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza hatagirea D.Don ) and its Associates in Lete Village of Mustang District, Nepal E-Journal of Applied Forest Ecology (eJAFE),India, Vol.4 (2), 2016, Pp- 29-39
- Yajna Prasad Timilsina, Diameter-Height Relationship for Castanopsis indica -A Tree Species from Midhill Community Forestry of Nepal,E-Journal of Applied Forest Ecology (eJAFE),India, Vol.3 (2), 2015, Pp- 29-34.
- Mukti Ram Subedi & Yajna P. Timilsina, Evidence of User Participation in Community Forest Management in the Mid-hills of Nepal: A Case of Rule Making and Implementation, Small-scale Forestry, Springer publication,Vol 14,(4) 2015,Pp-1-14
- Chhatra Bahadur Khadka, Yajna Prasad Timilsina, Above-Ground Biomass Models for Axlewood (Anogeissus latifolia) in Western Development Region, Nepal E-Journal of Applied Forest Ecology (eJAFE),India, Vol.2(2), 2014, Pp- 23-31.
- Paudel, S., Timilsina, Y. P., Lewis, J. Ingersoll, T. and Jnawali, S. R. Population status and habitat occupancy of endangered river dolphins in the Karnali River system of Nepal during low water season. Marine Mammal Science, Vol. 31(2): 2015,Pp-707–719
- Ram Prasad Sharma, Yajna Prasad Timilsina and Jit Narayan Sah, Physiographic condition for potential non timber forest products in metamorphic terrain: An analytical study from Nangi Community Forest, Myagdi District, Nepal. Annals of Forestry, An international Journal of Forest sciences, Vol 22(1) 2014, Pp-1-11
- Ram Prasad Sharma, Yajna Prasad Timilsina,Arjun Prasad Bastola and M. K. Gupta, A comparative study of carbon stocks in Shorea robusta and Schima -Castanopsis forests in Siwalik and Lesser Himalayan zone of Nepal, Indian Journal of forestry Vol 37(3), 2014, Pp-259-266
- Ram Prasad Sharma, Yajna Prasad Timilsina and J. N. Sah Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Listing, Altitudinal Distribution and its Impact on Socio-Economic Condition of Chepang Communities, Chitwan District, Nepal E-Journal of Applied Forest Ecology (eJAFE),India, Vol.2(1), 2014, Pp-45-54
- Laxmi Timilsina-Parajuli,Yajna Timilsina,Rajan Parajuli, Climate Change and Community Forestry in Nepal: Local People’s Perception, American Journal of Environmental Protection, An open access peer reviewed journals, Science and Education Publishing, 2 (1), 2014,Pp- 1-6,USA.
- Ram Prasad Sharma, Arjun Prasad Bastola, Yajna Prasad Timilsina and Dinesh Kumar, Geo-physiographic and ecological status of Tinospora cordifolia: An analytical study from Baghedanda community forest, Kaski district, Nepal. E-Journal of Applied Forest Ecology (eJAFE), Vol.1 (2) 2013, Pp-59-66, India.
- Kriti Acharya, K.R. Tiwari, Subodh Sharma, C.P. Upadhyaya, P. Timilsina, R. Jha. Monsoon and Post –Monsoon Evaluation of Water Quality of Phewa Lake in Pokhara Midwestern Nepal, IAMURE,International Journal of Ecology and Conservation, Vol. 3, 2012,Philippines
- Ashok Subedi,Achyut Aryal,Raj Kumar Koirala,Yajna Prasad Timilsina,Xiuxiang Meng and Fiona McKenzie, Habitat Ecology of Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus Chrysogaster) in Manaslu Conservation Area, Nepal, International Journal of Zoological Research, ,2012, Newwork, USA.
- Das A.K., Gyawali A.R., Timilsina Y.P., Yadav R.L., Potential of Managing Wild Mushroom in Community forest for Community benefit, International Journal of forest usufructs management, Vol. 9(2), 2008. India.
National Articles
- B. Khadka, A. L. Hammet, A. Singh, M. K. Balla and Y. P. Timilsina,Ecological status and diversity indices of Panchaule (Dactylorhiza hatagirea) and its associates in Lete village of Mustang district, Nepal Banko Janakari, Volume 26(1) 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp-45-52.
- Yajna Prasad Timilsina,Stem Biomass Modelling of the Eucalyptus Camaldulensis from Eastern Terai of Nepal, Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary studies,Vol.4,2015, Pokhara, Pp-58-66
- P. Timilsina, Height Growth Trend and Survival Analysis of Berginia ciliata Wall. and Rubia cordifolia L. in the Nursery of Kaski Nepal , Himal Biodiversity ( An International Journal of Life Sciences) Himalyan Environment and Biodiversity Society(HEBIDS), Volume 3(1),2015,Pp-78-85.
- Yajna Prasad Timilsina,Ecological status of Potentilla Fulgens in the open grazing land of Panchase Forest of Kaski District,Himalayan Biodiversity, An international journal of life sciences,Himalyan environment and biodiversity society(HEBIDS), Volume 2(1),2014,Pp-56-61
- Acharya, K.R. Tiwari,Y.P. Timilsina and S.PC, Assessing vulnerability and adaptation strategies of forest dependent people to climate change in the mid-hills of Nepal, Banko Janakari, Volume 25(1) ,2015, , Kathmandu, Nepal.Pp-55-62
- Yajna Prasad Timilsina Chronological Trend of Climate in the Lumle Village Development Committee from Kaski District, Nepal Crossing the Border, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume 3(1), 2015. Pp 53-64.
- Mukti Ram Subedi and Yajna Prasad Timilsina .Distribution Pattern of Cinnamomum tamala in Annapurna Conservation Area, Kaski, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 15(2), 2014, NAST, Kathmandu, Nepal.Pp-29-36
- Gandhiv Kafle, Yajna P. Timilsina, Moti Rijal, Shiva Khanal,Status of dead woods and their contribution to carbon sequestration: A comparative study in community forest and protected forest Types of Nepal, IOF Discussion paper, no.21 2014.
- Smita Das, I.C. Dutta, P Timilsina, Assessment Of Carbon Stock of Acacia catechu-Dalbergia sissoo Plantation Forest, The Nepal Journal of Forestry, Vol 15(1), 2014, Babarmahal, Kathmandu,Pp-14-29.
- Chaudhary,S.K. Bhandari,Y.P.Timilsina, B.K. Paudyal, Allometric Biomass models for leaf of taxus baccata in Far west of Nepal, Proceedings International Conference on Forests, people and climate Changing Paradism,TU/ IOF/DANIDA funded ComForM Projecct , Pokhara Nepal, 2013 Pp- 182-197
- P Timilsina, and H P. Tripathee, Effect of Applied Treatments on Growth Performance of Three Cultivated Medicinal Plants of Kaski District, Nepal Crossing the Border, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume 2(1).2014. Pp- 31-40
- Rinzin Phunjok lama, Shes Kanta Bhandari and Yajna Prasad Timilsina,Height –Diameter Modeling in Alnus nepalensis D. Don, Himalayan Scientific Journal, Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, Prithvi Narayan Campus, Volume 6,2013,Pokhara, Nepal. Pp-41-46
- R. Aryal, A.K. Das, Y.P. Timilsina and S.K. Baral, Effects of fertilizer application on fruiting –yield of Jatropha curcus Linn. Banko Janakari, Volume 23(1),2013, DFRS,MOFSC,Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal Pp-57-60
- TB Thapa, CP Upadhyaya, YP Timilsina, SK Bhandari, L Puri, Predicting Total Height from Diameter Using Nonlinear Models in Pinus roxburghii, Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 14(1), 2013, NAST, Kathmandu, Nepal.Pp-147-152
- Shumsher KC, P. Timilsina, Factors Affecting Peoples’ Participation on Vulture Conservation from Kaski district of Nepal, Conservation science, An international peer reviewed journal, Vol.(1), 2013. Nepal Pp-19-26
- Yajna Prasad Timilsina, Ram Prasad Sharma and Prakash Paudel, Role of vegetation in slope stability: Case studies of forested slopes in the Mahabharat Range, Nepal,Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. 44,2012, Nepal
- Puri, H. Meilby, S. Rayamajhi, Y. P. Timilsina, N. P. Gautam, R. Subedi,and H. O. Larsen., Growth and volume based on permanent sample plots in forests managed by communities Banko Janakari, Volume 22,(2),2012 DFRS,MOFSC,Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Sunita Dhungana, Hari P. Tripathee, Lila Puri, Yajna P. Timilsina and Krishna P. Devkota Nutritional Analysis of Locally Preferred Fodder Trees of Middle Hills of Nepal: A Case Study from Hemja VDC, Kaski District, Journal of Science and Technology, , Volume 13(2), ,2012, NAST, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Meena S. Chhetri, Yajna P. Timilsina, Hari P. Tripathee and Krishna P. Devkota Socio-ecological Status and Antibacterial Activity of Paris polyphylla from Panchase Area of Kaski District Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13(2), ,2012, NAST, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- K. Laudari, Y. P. Timilsina and T.Kaini, Human Wildlife Conflict in Annapurna Conservation Area in Nepal.,Banko Janakari, Volume 22,(1),2012 DFRS,MOFSC,Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- B. Thapa, C. P. Upadhyaya, Y.P. Timilsina, S. K. Bhandari and L.Puri, Modelling Tree Volume of Pinus roxburghii from Midhill Region of Nepal. Himalayan Scientific Journal, Vol.5,2012, Pokhara, Nepal.
- Hari P.Tripathee, Ram P. Sharma, Yajna P. Timilsina, Ramayan Pathak and Krishna P. Devkota, An Assessment of Ethnomedicinal Use, Chemical Constituents Analysis and Bioactivity Evaluation on High Altitude Medicinal Plant Delphinium brunonianum of Manang District,Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, , Volume 12,2011, NAST, Kathmandu, Nepal..
- Rajesh Jha, Keshab Datt Awasthi, Yajna Prasad Timilsina, A.K. M.Saiful Islam, Narayan Prasad Gautam.Impacts of Climate Change and Its effect on Livelihood and Adaptation Strategies, Himalayan Scientific Journal, Vol.4, 2011, Pokhara, Nepal.
- P.Devkota, R.P. Sharma,Y.P.Timilsina, Carbon Accumulation in Dalbergia sissoo Plantation Forest at Chitwan District of Nepal,Natural Resources Management: Reviews and research in the Himalayan watersheds(Special Publication of NUFU HIMUNET Project), 2009, Nepal.
Contact Address
Phone: 977(0)61-430699 Mobile: 00977-9846054094/9856070234